Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Countdown to the Apocalypse: 6 Days Remaining

I sat in my chair hoping for the best. Thing hasn't been going my way ever since the news on the coming apocalypse. 6 days. As the deadline comes ever so closer, excitement overwhelms. I want it to come, yet part of me wants it to just stay; never approaching. But alas, times moves forward.


I was rudely awakened from a knock on my door. It was my ex-partner. "We've got a problem," came the words from his mouth. Something I wouldn't wanna hear the first thing in the morning. Especially right after waking up. He said that there'll be an informant waiting at the abandoned train station. I was to pick him up.

HQ was bustling with people, surprisingly. My superiors we apparently waiting for me at the lab entrance. They wanted me to hand in my report. Finally, after numerous attempts to get to their freaking brains that were hiding beneath those thick skulls. However, it was too late. Doom was inevitable ever since they turned their backs on Lab's 6A recent research regarding the outbreak. They say it's not too late to save the rest. I say that we're pretty much screwed.

A biohazard warning alarm went through the roof. There was a breach at the main entrance to the labs. I wasn't gonna stick around waiting for death to come and claim me. I signaled my colleagues and we escaped via the emergency exit. We left HQ and eventually ended up somewhere nearby yesterday's meeting area; coordinates: SK-TE-J. One of us called the emergency line that connects directly to the mainframe core in HQ. Status report was bad. A majority of the facility has been wiped clean of life. Without much thought, we left for home...preparing for the worst.

Back home, my workstation decided to be a bitch. Before it died, I saw multiple anomalies around my current area. Waiting for the inevitable won't help. So, I decided to investigate. My destination was the abandoned train station along the highway. Seriously... It has been traced back from every other incidents that has happened a week ago: biotechnology, the recent power plant investigation and more. As the days come ever so closer, the nights grew longer. Heck, it wasn't even dusk yet and the sky's already pitch black as night. As I ventured closer towards the station, a poster stuck on the wall caught my attention.

No mercy. What irony. None given, none taken. I continued onwards. My communicator beeped signifying midnight. "5 days to the Apocalypse, and still alive..." I sighed and forced myself onwards.

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