Sunday, November 16, 2008

Countdown to the Apocalypse: 2 Days Remaining

I sat in my chair hoping for the best. Thing hasn't been going my way ever since the news on the coming apocalypse. 2 days. As the deadline comes ever so closer, excitement overwhelms. I want it to come, yet part of me wants it to just stay; never approaching. But alas, times moves forward.


My head felt heavy as I woke up. Just the night before, I was up digging up my tech papers on various old data I had sometime in the past. I wasn't too keen on handing this to the Underground yet. I've learn not to simply trust someone just because both you and them share a common goal. By the time I was about done, it was already past noon.

I was extremely tired and decided to take a break. Sadly, my nap was a short one. Storm clouds were brewing over the horizon and soon, it was a massive downpour. To make matters worse, a thunderstorm soon followed. Massive thunderstorms like these will only fry my system. I've learned it the hard way a long time ago. Immediately, I rerouted the a portion of the main power grid to the backup generator. In this case, if there's a power overload, it'll be sent to the generator.

The storm left as quickly as it came. From my window I could see the damage Mother Nature has done. The nearby river was overflowing. The construction yard down the street wasn't doing any good either. Mud from the site overflowed, leading to a very messy road. With just two days left, things aren't looking any good either. HQ's gone. I've got no word from my colleagues. Even the streets are quiet now.

Night came a lot sooner. Maybe because of the rain clouds. But that didn't change the fact that those things will start their prowl soon. I sat there at my workstation sending out encrypted messages that only my mates would know. Some of them already knew the end was near and there was no hope of staying here. Others, well... Others just don't seem to care anymore. I left the signal on my workstation on hoping that someone will pick up the signal. I've got a feeling that none of them knew about the Underground and it's about time they do. For tomorrow is the final day. 1 day to the Apocalypse.

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